Join CCC Academy Today

Enrollment is currently closed. Join the waitlist so you don't miss when enrollment opens again.

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 The Most Comprehensive Program for Starting and Growing the Arts & Crafts Club of Your Dreams

 Stop overthinking - Run classes or sell kits - Make money and be flexible 


To All The Women Who Want To Be Creative, And Make a Consistent Income in a Flexible and Fun Way...

 Do Any Of These Sound Like You? 

 "I've been toying with starting a creative club for the longest time..." 

But you're stuck because you:

❌ Don't know where to start - what comes first?

 Feel overwhelmed by everything you need to figure out: supplies, pricing, payments, legalities...

❌ Don't know what curriculum to use

❌ Don't know how to do marketing and where to find students

❌ Doubt yourself and fear you might fail

And all you want is to:

✅ Finally turn your dream into a reality

✅ Be flexible and fulfilled

 Know exactly what to do first, second, third, and so forth

✅ Create an extra income for your family

✅ Get support from people who "get you" and are on the same journey as you


 "I'm currently running my arts and crafts club..."  

But you're stuck because you:

❌ Want to grow but don't know how to retain students

❌ Undercharge because you're scared you'll lose students if you push up your prices

 Waste hours looking up lessons and activity ideas for your classes

 Feel paralyzed by all the "cute" yet impractical ideas you find online

❌ Don't know how to automate your business to save time

And all you want is to:

 Have consistent income and students that return week after week

✅ Work and stress less and have more time to spend with those you love

 Feel confident teaching proven lessons your students love

✅ Create a positive impact and love what you do

✅ Run the creative club of your dreams

If So... Then We've Got Exactly What You Need!


 CCC Academy 

The complete training and support program that teaches you how to start & grow the creative club of your dreams 👇🏼

We created CCC Academy to give you everything you need to create a THRIVING arts & crafts club.

Inside CCC Academy, you'll:

  • Learn about the 6 stages of building a successful club
  • Get comprehensive training on every aspect of starting and growing a club
  • Get workbooks and done-for-you resources
  • Join a community that supports you every step of the way

Whether you want to teach in-person classes, birthday parties, online workshops, or create and sell kits or subscription boxes, having a step-by-step roadmap is critical. 

If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to start (or grow) your club, the CCC Academy will provide you with the roadmap, training, resources, and support you need to build a club you love.


Once You Join CCC Academy

 We'll Help You Every Step Of Your Journey to Starting and Growing Your Club 

 Meet your coaches 

Hi, we're Christelle & Stefanie, sisters and founders of the Creative Crafting Club.

We went from having no flexibility and feeling unfulfilled to starting and growing a thriving arts & crafts club.

We started with 1 location and grew to teaching at 61 locations in 2 years.

It wasn't easy from the start, and we learned a LOT of lessons along the way.

Since then, we've had the privilege of helping 10,000+ creatives from 70+ countries start and grow their clubs, too. 

We created this membership to help you with the practical aspects of starting and running a club (online, in person, or with kits) so you can spend more time focusing on what you love: creating amazing arts and crafts with kids!

We put all our secrets into CCC Academy, including the exact resources we use, so you can hit the ground running and not worry about figuring everything out yourself.

We can't wait to meet you and cheer you on inside the CCC Academy!

When You Join CCC Academy

 Imagine What Your Life Could Look Like 1 Year From Now! 


Before We Tell You About What's Included, Let's Talk About

 Who CCC Academy is Really For 

 CCC Academy is for you: 

✅ You want to start a creative business (now or in the future) or already run one teaching arts & crafts classes and/or selling kits

✅ You love being creative and teaching others

✅ You are committed to DOING 👏 THE 👏 WORK 👏Think of us as your creative 'gym,' not a laidback 'spa.'

✅ You ask when you need help, and you help others where you can

 CCC Academy is NOT for you: 

❌ You're more of a complainer than a problem-solver

❌ You don't have a passion for creativity 

❌ You want everything done for you

SO, is CCC Academy for you? 

If it's a resounding YES, keep scrolling for the exciting details! 👇🏼

When You Have The Roadmap, Resources, And a Supportive Community 

 Anything is Possible! 

Here's Everything You'll Get When You

 Join CCC Academy Today 

1. The Club Owner's Roadmap (Value: $997)

The Club Owner’s Roadmap is your path to success in starting and growing a creative club.

It provides a step-by-step process to follow, showing you...

  • what to do
  • when to do it
  • and in EXACTLY what order to do it

⬆️ THIS blueprint ⬆️ can mean the difference between failure and success!

Follow the Roadmap to stay focused and make progress in the right direction.

2. 60+ Business Training Videos (Value: $3,997)

You’ll also get a library of 60+ training courses covering every aspect of starting, running, and growing a creative business.

These trainings will teach you how to create a name and logo, find a venue, teach online, price your products, what supplies to buy, market your business, manage your classroom, and much more!

We walk you through the entire process step by step!

3. Done-for-you Resources (Value: $497)

We've added all our tried-and-tested marketing designs, workbooks, and resources to this membership to save you time and money.

You'll get:

  • Ready-made fliers, posters, and coloring pages to advertise your club
  • Social media starter kit, including posts, banners, and video snippets to get you started
  • Workbooks to complete exercises, take notes, and make progress fast
  • Easy spreadsheets to determine how to price your classes/kits with confidence!

As a member, you'll have FULL RIGHTS to use all these resources in your business.

4: Access to a Supportive Community (Priceless)

You don't have to go at this alone! We have a global community of 1000+ like-minded members on the same journey as you: starting, running, and growing their clubs. We are all helping and supporting each other, and as we know, we are #BetterTogether. 

Here are all the ways you can get help and support as a CCC Academy member:

  • Get help and support 24/7 from members globally inside our exclusive members-only Facebook Group. There is SO much knowledge and expertise inside the group!
  • Access to Christelle & Stefanie, as well as the CCC Team, via email, DM, and inside the Facebook Group.
  • Join an Accountability Group in your area to make progress fast!

 5. BONUS! 

Get 80% OFF WebHub 😱 (Save $456/yr)

Two of the biggest challenges we see new club owners face are creating a website and setting up an automatic lead generator that builds a customer base in your sleep (which is critical to success!).

So, if you don’t know where to start with a website and how to figure out all the techie stuff, WebHub is for you! 

WebHub is our all-in-one website solution for creative clubs!

You’ll get:

✔️ A website domain and free hosting! You may also use your own domain.

✔️ stunning, custom-designed website

✔️ done-for-you automatic lead generator to collect emails from interested customers (while you sleep!) and sign them up.

WebHub is normally $47/mo, but you can get it for more than 80% OFF in the first 30 days as a CCC Academy member for just $9/mo.

 6. BONUS! 

Start to Thrive With Creative Kits Course (Value: $997)

The 'Start to Thrive with Creative Kits' course is a comprehensive course that will show you how to create, launch, and scale your kit.

Here's what you'll get and more:

✔️Your marketing game plan!
✔️What goes inside?
Where to get the supplies for your kits
How to make your kits unique
Packaging, pricing & recurring payments
Distribution & scaling

We walk you through the entire process step by step!

⭐️ ⭐️ Plus, you will receive 16 editable lesson plans specifically designed for printing and including in your kits!!

 7. BONUS! 

Free Mobile App (Value: $97)

Easily access your trainings, resources, and lesson plans right from your phone!

And When You Invest In Yourself as a Lifetime Member...

 You'll Also Get These Bonuses! 


190+ Craft Lesson Curriculum 😱 (Value: $2,997)

 Get FULL ACCESS to the Craft Lesson Club

Get instant access to a library of 190+ lesson plans to teach ages 2-12. Each lesson is tried-and-tested, STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering, art and math) and kid-approved.

Each lesson uses our secret 'engagement formula' to ensure kids stay fully engaged from start to finish.

For each lesson, you get:

✔️ supply list
✔️ Prep-work steps to do before class
✔️ A way to introduce the class to get the children excited and curious
✔️ Step-by-step teaching guides with pictures
✔️ A themed game to play to give the children a break
✔️ Wind down activity to relax after all the excitement
✔️ Parent handout for ages 2-6 that explains the super-skills learned in class and provides a fun activity to do at home 

The lessons are developed by an architect, engineer, and artist in consultation with an occupational and play therapist.

All our lesson plans are editable. That means you get FULL RIGHTS to customize them for your kits and other needs.

This is Your Opportunity to

 Live a Life You Love! 

Join the waitlist!

Simply enter your details below to join the waiting list, and we'll send you a free information pack! Once you're on the waitlist, you'll be the first to know when we open for enrollment again. 

Let us remove all the risk with our 14-day money-back guarantee!

 Satisfaction Guarantee 

We 100% guarantee that you will love everything you'll get inside the CCC Academy. 

So here's why you can place your confidence in our money-back guarantee and set any enrollment nerves aside:

You will get instant access to ALL the training materials, resources, and support, meaning you'll have the opportunity to validate your idea, host a class, or even launch a kit BEFORE making a final decision. 

If, after 14 days, you don't feel the Creative Crafting Club is right for you, you'll get your money back.

There is no risk to you.

Check out these

 Results from CCC Academy members 

 From fearful to confident with flexible classes 

After being a stay-at-home mom for 7 years, Anneke had a burning desire to do something for herself. She wanted to be more creative and work with kids. But she didn't know how to do it around her family's schedule and lacked the confidence to get started.

"I was afraid I wouldn't make a success of it."

Once we started helping Anneke, she figured out how to run flexible classes. Her confidence sky-rocketed as her home and school-based classes started BOOMING! 

"I plan my class schedule in such a way that I am still able to fetch my kids from school and take them to their extra murals."

"Now I wake up with a smile on my face, excited about my class! That's what life is about!"

How would running your own club change YOUR life?

 A journey from self-doubt to 154 kids in her classes 

Starting from humble beginnings, Heleen worked to turn her dream of starting a kids crafting club into a reality. But it didn’t happen immediately…

There were days when she thought to herself...

‘I only have 1 student enrolled; maybe I should just cancel the class?’

She came up with a mantra to encourage herself to keep going: “Get up, get dressed, put on your lipstick, and arrive.”

A handful of lipstick tubes later, Heleen now teaches after-school classes to 154 kids and runs Paint & Wine evenings for adults.

Thrive in our supportive #BetterTogether community with hundreds of determined go-getters like Heleen!


 Save time with done-for-you lesson plans 

Angela wanted to expand her small business and add children's craft workshops.

But she didn't have the time to do lesson planning.

Since joining the CCC Academy, Angela has launched her crafting classes using our step-by-step, engaging lesson plans. All 6 of her weekly classes are now FULLY BOOKED!

"The hard work has been done for me, which gives me the time I need to dedicate to the other retail side of my business and adult workshops because these fantastic kids lessons are step-by-step laid out ready for me!"

Reduce stress with kid-approved lesson plans!

 From teaching art around her dining room table to running an online art membership  

When Stefania had her second child, she knew that what she really wanted was a fulfilling creative career that would allow her to be at home for her children. 

She wanted to be her own boss and determine her own schedule.

She started small, with a few kids around her dining room table. Today, she runs a successful online art club.

When she launched her after-school club, it sold out and she had 100 children on her waitlist!

Want to know the secret to starting a creative club?

(Lean in, this is good…) Here it is: 

Just start.

That’s how Stefania realized her dreams - by just getting started.

You don’t need to quit your job. You don’t need a bunch of money. You don’t need to have years of experience teaching. You just need to start!


Even More

 Nice Things CCC Members Have to Say 


Got questions?

 We Have Answers! 

No. Once you become a member, your price is locked in, so even if our prices go up in the future (which it will because we keep adding more value), you'll be locked in at the price as long as you remain a member.

Once you become a member, you get instant access to the members library and support community!

You may cancel your membership at any time and there are no fees to do so!

You can do this yourself within the account management section of your profile. 

You’re protected with our 100% risk-free guarantee:

Test drive the membership for 14 days. If you don’t feel we’ve delivered the value — just email us, and we’ll issue you a hassle-free full refund, as long as it's within the first 14 days of signing up.

YES! The Creative Crafting Club is available worldwide and we have customers from 70+ countries!

 Wanna chat? 

If you have a question, big or small, or just need to talk to a real human to make sure you have all the information you need before you join us... Contact us via email, Facebook, or Instagram DMs (we are here to help!)

👉🏼 Send us an email here

👉🏼 Send us a direct message on Facebook here

👉🏼 Send us a direct message on Instagram here

 If you’re still reading this you’re obviously still on the fence, and that’s fine, we get it! 

 You’ve probably tried a lot of different things that haven't worked so far. But, we'd like to ask you this… 

 What do you expect to change if nothing changes? 

 A year from now, when you’re looking back at this decision, do you still want just to be dreaming about running a club? 


 would you prefer to be running a profitable, flexible, and fun club - on your own terms? 


 ⭐ No need to join an expensive franchise or hire a business coach. CCC Academy provides everything you need for success! 


Join the waitlist!

Simply enter your details below to join the waiting list, and we'll send you a free information pack! Once you're on the waitlist, you'll be the first to know when we open for enrollment again. 


 Join the waitlist! 

Simply enter your details below and we'll send a FREE information pack straight to your inbox!