Learn How to Start & Grow a Kids Crafting Club

 Be Flexible And Make Money With Your Own Kids Craft Club 

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when CCC Academy reopens. You’ll get training, lesson plans, and support to turn your dream of teaching arts & crafts to kids into a reality. 

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CCC Academy opening October 2024 - ONLY to our Waitlist!

 Running a successful craft club can profoundly change the quality of your life because it brings you... 


✔️Freedom to be your own boss and live your life on your own terms

✔️Flexibility to spend more time with your kids and those who matter to you most

✔️Stable monthly income so your family can thrive

✔️Fulfillment: knowing the hands-on skills you teach will future-proof your students for success

✔️Purpose and fun: waking up every morning having something (that matters!) to look forward to

 CCC Academy Has Helped Thousands of Women Create Thriving Craft Clubs  

And there are many more!

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CCC Academy opening October 2024 - ONLY to our Waitlist!

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 Hey there! We're Christelle & Stefanie 

Since 2018, we’ve helped over 10,000 people like you, from 82 countries, start and grow successful arts & crafts clubs.

Our mission?

To help you achieve both income and flexibility while nurturing the future leaders of tomorrow—kids!

Whether you're looking to start a part-time venture or a full-fledged career, we provide the tools and support you need to make a successful career shift.

 Anything is Possible if You Have CCC Academy's Roadmap, Resources, and Support 

 Check Out These Results from CCC Academy members: 

 From fearful to confident with flexible classes 

After being a stay-at-home mom for 7 years, Anneke had a burning desire to do something for herself. She wanted to be more creative and work with kids. But she didn't know how to do it around her family's schedule and lacked the confidence to get started.

"I was afraid I wouldn't make a success of it."

Once we started helping Anneke, she figured out how to run flexible classes. Her confidence sky-rocketed as her home and school-based classes started BOOMING! 

"I plan my class schedule in such a way that I am still able to fetch my kids from school and take them to their extra murals."

"Now I wake up with a smile on my face, excited about my class! That's what life is about!"

How would running your own club change YOUR life?

 A journey from self-doubt to 154 kids in her classes 

Before starting her club, Heleen was very unhappy.

"I was in a really bad space." 

She decided to change her life, joined CCC Academy, and started running craft classes.

Her journey had many ups and downs, but she kept showing up.

Today, she runs a thriving club, teaching after-school classes, parties, and events.

"If you do what you love, the money will follow you."

Thrive in our supportive #BetterTogether community with hundreds of determined go-getters like Heleen!

 From teaching art around her dining room table to running an online art membership  

"I desperately wanted to find some way of working that would allow me to stay home with my kids." 

So, she posted this on Facebook:

I run arts & crafts classes for kids. Would you like to join?

Two weeks later, her class was full.

She started with a few kids around her dining room table.

Today, she has an online membership and runs a fully booked extracurricular club at a school.

She is her own boss. She determines her own schedule, all while being at home with her kids - her biggest inspiration!

You don’t need to quit your job. You don’t need a bunch of money. You don’t need to have years of experience teaching. You just need to start!

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CCC Academy opening October 2024 - ONLY to our Waitlist!

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 Nice things CCC Academy members have to say: 

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CCC Academy opening October 2024 - ONLY to our Waitlist!

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