Struggling to get your Arts & Crafts Club off the Ground?

Posted on May 31, 2021

If you’ve struggled to get your arts & craft club off the ground...

Doing a ‘soft launch’ can be just the thing you need!

Here’s why:

  • You get to ‘test’ the waters
  • You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make it happen
  • You get customer feedback with zero risk

That’s why we LOVE the idea of doing soft launches for kids arts and craft clubs so much!

Bethany Boyle started her club with a soft launch and here’s what she learnt:

I had my soft launch this week and it was a hit. It even went better than I thought. The kids had amazing reviews of the class, it encouraged creativity, and they couldn't wait to do another class.

This soft opening taught me a lot about how to market my classes and what my crafting classes really teach children. It was an amazing experience and left me wanting to do more. I am now 100% sure my business can be successful and I have moved on to marketing and advertising.

How amazing is that?!

If you're wondering if doing a soft launch could work for you…

We believe the answer is a big fat *YES!*

Want to know how?

Watch this live interview with Bethany below to find out!

Do you need some help to take that first step?

We have an incredible group of supportive creatives (including Bethany!) inside the Creative Crafting Club membership, all learning and growing together.

We’d love for you to join us and get to know them all!